Controversy continues to brew in the country music world

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A catfight has been brewing in the country music world since May.

Radio consultant Keith Hill advised radio stations not to play too many country songs by women and definitely not back to back.

"If you want to make ratings in country radio, take females out," Hill said.

He went further, "Trust me, I play great female records, and we've got some right now; they're just not the lettuce in our salad. The lettuce is Luke Bryan and Blake Shelton, Keith Urban and artists like that. The tomatoes of our salad are the females."

Women got mad. The #TomatoGate controversy created a movement of country music female stars banding together and supporting one another. And that momentum is going strong five months later.

A concert event was held by country stars Martina McBride, Cassadee Pope, and RaeLynn on West 18th Street in New York on Wednesday specifically celebrating women in country music.

It was sponsored by music giant Pandora. 

McBride, who has sold over 18 million albums, briefly spoke about #TomatoeGate and explained why she believes Hill was misguided with his statement.

“Female fans want to hear female artists sing about their lives so they feel like ‘Awe man! Somebody else understands what I’m going through or that’s my song or that’s how I feel’ I mean that’s what music is right? Is you have to be able to relate to it and adapt it to your own life,” McBride said.

Season 3 winner of The Voice, Cassadee Pope, mentioned that the only reason why she got into country music was because of stars such as McBride.

“I grew up looking up to a lot of female country artists… So this is a big deal for me to be able to be here tonight and be a woman in country during this event, it’s an honor,” Pope said.