Gulp! Half-eaten shark washes up on Florida beach

Photo courtesy Nick Ouellette / @actuallyonefishbluefish
NEW SMYRNA BEACH (FOX 13) - It's not your average beach find: The body of a large shark washed up along New Smryna Beach over the weekend -- with a giant bite out it.
The shark, possibly a spinner or blacktip, washed up on Saturday morning in the inlet area, according to Senior Captain Tamra Marris of Volusia County Beach Safety Ocean Rescue.
"[It's] unknown what type of predator bit it or how far offshore it was," she offered.
But looking at the photos shared on social media, it's not hard to imagine what must have happened: Something even bigger caught it from behind, and apparently bit its tail clean off.
"There's always a bigger fish," joked Instagram user Nick Ouellette, who posted a photo of the preyed-upon predator.
Officials say the shark may have been 5 feet long -- before the attack, anyway.
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