Las Vegas food truck serves free meals to medical staff

LAS VEGAS (KTVU) - The Las Vegas food truck community came together to help in the best way they could.
Dragon Grille, 50 Shades of Green and Cousins Maine Lobster worked together to cook and serve food to a hospital staff that had been working around the clock treating victims of the Las Vegas shooting. They also cooked up meals for police officers and family members of people injured in the shooting.
A Facebook video showed a line of medical staff getting their meals. On its Facebook page Dragon Grille wrote, "We appreciate all the doctors and nurses that have been taking care of all the victims. #VegasStrong"
Dragon Grille wrote, "We do what we do not to show off but to show the world that there’s still hope! Today we made a call to the food truck community and they responded! We were able to feed over 500 people. Family members of the affected from the mass shooting, nurses, doctors and metro police officers around UMC and Valley hospital. This is the least we could have done for those working long hours and those with injured family members."
Dragon Grille is also helping the local blood supply. They held an event offering free meals to students who donate blood.