St. Pete credit union helps rebuild osprey nest

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Two years ago, a pair of Osprey built a nest on the sign in front of Achieva Credit Union near the corner of 62nd and 4th in St. Pete.

"Which actually was not a safe environment it was low the ground and near a busy intersection," said Chelsey Wilson, with Achieva.

So Achieva teamed up with the Clearwater Audubon Society to relocate the nest.

"We felt it was very important to provide a safe habitat for these birds," Wilson said.

"It requires a special permit and I happen to possess a permit like that," said Barbara Walker with the Audubon Society. 

They installed a 50-foot poll then delicately moved the nest.

"We had a naming contest among employees and they voted on the winner and the big winner is jack and Dianne," Wilson said.

In August, Achieva added a live webcam.  Bird lovers can peek in 24/7. In a few weeks, they may see some extra family members. A trio of eggs was laid and should be hatching soon.

The live feed can be found here: