STUDY: Drinking alcohol may be better than exercise for living past 90

KittyKaht | Flickr
(FOX 11) - Want to live past the age of 90? Drink up!
According to a new study, drinking a couple of glasses of beer or wine a day is more important than exercise for living past 90.
The 90+ Study, led by the University of California neurologist Claudia Kawas, says seniors drinking a moderate amount of alcohol each day lowered their risk of premature death more than seniors who exercise daily. The study has monitored over 1,600 people over the age of 90 since 2003.
According to the findings Dr. Kawas presented at the 2018 American Association for the Advancement of Science conference in Texas, having two glasses of wine or beer dropped the chance of premature death by 18 percent.
Daily exercise for 15 to 45 minutes was found to only reduce premature death by 11 percent.
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