Tripp Halstead rooting for Falcons as recovery continues

Credit: Tripp Halstead Updates/Facebook
ATLANTA - Tripp Halstead and his family are rooting for the Atlanta Falcons as Tripp continues to recover from a tree accident that caused him severe brain injuries.
Tripp’s family shared an adorable picture on Facebook of Tripp decked out in Falcons gear. The post all gave an update on Tripp’s progress.
“It's Falcons Day!! Tripp, Leslye and I are supporting our team!! Woot woot!
#falconsfriday Tripp is working hard for you guys in therapy so you guys gotta work hard for Tripp!!! #Gofalcons #atlantafalcons,” read the beginning of the post.
In 2012, Tripp was critically injured outside his Windor, Georgia daycare center when a tree limb fell on him. Tripp suffered severe brain injuries and spent months at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta following the accident. Today, he is still on the road to recovery, but continues to improve with a family who loves him dearly.
Super Bowl LI will be played at NRG Stadium in Houston, Texas on Feb. 5 at 6:30 p.m. Full coverage can be found on FOX 5 Atlanta.