$7.3M verdict against Lady Gaga's former boyfriend tossed

NEWARK, N.J. (AP) — A judge in New Jersey has granted a new trial for Lady Gaga's first producer and former boyfriend, overturning an order that he pay $7.3 million to the Hollywood songwriter who discovered her.

U.S. District Court Judge Jose Linares ordered the new trial for Rob Fusari on Sept. 3, but the ruling wasn't unsealed until Wednesday.

The judge found that he mistakenly allowed the jury to hear details about an allegation connected to Lady Gaga and Fusari's personal relationship and his fiduciary duty to her.

Fusari was ordered to pay Wendy Starland after a trial last year.

Starland had testified that Fusari had asked her to find an edgy, bold, confident and charismatic performer.

She brought back Lady Gaga after spotting her during a New York City performance in 2006.